목표 : TreeView의 각 노드에 체크박스를 두고 부모를 체크 하면 자식들은 모두 부모에 따름
웹 검색을 하다가 유용한 자료가 있어서 퍼왔습니다. 출처는 제일 아래에 있네요.
저는 이 소스를 다 쓴건 아니고 스크립트 부분만 썼습니다. PostBack 방식으로 했는데.
아무래도 좀 불편한거 같네요...
체크 박스 이므로 여러개를 선택할수 있도록 체크 박스를 선택할때마다 이벤트가 발생하지는 않습니다.
그래서 약간의 편법을 이용한 자료를 올려 보겠습니다.
1. postback 처리
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
protected void TreeView1_TreeNodeCheckChanged(object sender, TreeNodeEventArgs e)
foo(e.Node, e.Node.Checked);
private void foo(TreeNode e, bool check)
e.Checked = check;
foreach (TreeNode t in e.ChildNodes)
foo(t, check);
function foo()
var o = window.event.srcElement;
if (o.tagName == "INPUT" && o.type == "checkbox"){
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TreeView onclick="foo()" ID="TreeView1" runat="server" ExpandDepth="4" EnableClientScript="False"
ShowCheckBoxes="All" OnTreeNodeCheckChanged="TreeView1_TreeNodeCheckChanged">
<asp:TreeNode ShowCheckBox="True" Value="a" Text="a">
<asp:TreeNode Value="aa" Text="aa">
<asp:TreeNode Text="aaa" Value="aaa">
<asp:TreeNode Text="aaaa" Value="aaaa"></asp:TreeNode>
<asp:TreeNode Text="abbb" Value="abbb"></asp:TreeNode>
<asp:TreeNode Text="bbb" Value="bbb">
<asp:TreeNode Text="bbbb" Value="bbbb"></asp:TreeNode>
<asp:TreeNode Text="ccc" Value="ccc"></asp:TreeNode>
<asp:TreeNode Text="bb" Value="bb">
<asp:TreeNode Text="bbb" Value="bbb"></asp:TreeNode>
2. 웹페이지상에서 스크립트로 처리 ..
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<html >
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>XML Tree View</title>
<script language="javascript">
//***each node in a TreeNode is a <table> and the level that a node exists on is
//***decided by the number of columns in the table (that are use to push it out)
//***(1)This only works with a static TreeView
//***(2)This only works properly if EnableClientScript=true
//***(3)If Microsoft(R) changes the HTML use to render the Nodes then this is obsolete
//***(4)This does not account for all design considerations, but should be a good start
function client_OnTreeNodeChecked() {
var obj = window.event.srcElement;
var treeNodeFound = false;
var checkedState;
if (obj.tagName == "INPUT" && obj.type == "checkbox") {
//easier to read
var treeNode = obj;
//record the checked state of the TreeNode
checkedState = treeNode.checked;
//work our way back to the parent <table> element
do {
obj = obj.parentElement;
} while (obj.tagName != "TABLE")
//keep track of the padding level for comparison with any children
var parentTreeLevel = obj.rows[0].cells.length;
//get all the TreeNodes inside the TreeView (the parent <div>)
var tables = obj.parentElement.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
//total number of TreeNodes
var numTables = tables.length
if (numTables > 1) {
//cycle through all the TreeNodes
//until we find the TreeNode we checked
for (i=0; i < numTables; i++) {
if (tables[i] == obj) {
treeNodeFound = true;
if (i == numTables) {
//if we're on the last
//TreeNode then stop
//when found examine the TreeLevel of each of
//the preceding TreeNodes
if (treeNodeFound == true) {
var childTreeLevel = tables[i].rows[0].cells.length;
//if the current node is under the parent
//the level will be deeper (greater)
if (childTreeLevel > parentTreeLevel) {
//jump to the last cell... it contains the checkbox
var cell = tables[i].rows[0].cells[childTreeLevel - 1];
//set the checkbox to match the checkedState
//of the TreeNode that was clicked
var inputs = cell.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
inputs[0].checked = checkedState;
} else {
//if any of the preceding TreeNodes are not deeper stop
}//end if
}//end if
}//end for
}//end if
}//end if
}//end function
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:XmlDataSource ID="xmlSrc" runat="server" />
<asp:TreeNode Text="Table of Contents"
<asp:TreeNode Text="Chapter One">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Section 1.0">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.0.1"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.0.2"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.0.3"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Section 1.1">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.1.1"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.1.2"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.1.3"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 1.1.4"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Chapter Two">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Section 2.0">
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 2.0.1"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Topic 2.0.2"/>
<asp:TreeNode Text="Appendix A" />
<asp:TreeNode Text="Appendix B" />
<asp:TreeNode Text="Appendix C" />
필요한걸 사용하시면 될듯하네요 ..
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